We would like to express our sincere thanks for all the generous financial donations from near and far!
If you would like to support our orchestra directly in the future, we draw your attention to the fact that our orchestra is tax-exempt.
Account number: 60-670264-5
Clearing number: 9000
IBAN: CH65 0900 0000 6067 0264 5
You can also support our orchestra in your will, for example by making a bequest to our institution. By taking Les Passions de l`Âme into account in your estate planning, you continue your cultural commitment beyond your lifetime.
With a will you create clear conditions. Within the framework of the legal possibilities, you determine to whom you want to bequeath how much of your possessions. Les Passions de l`Âme is exempt from inheritance and donation tax. The value of your bequest will therefore flow without deduction into the sounding orchestral future of Les Passions de l`Âme.
For further information, please contact Mrs. Sibyl Matter, President of Les Passions de l'Âme.
Contact: Sibyl Matter
+41 (0)31 310 23 80