
Power to the womenOffice

General managerCarmen Inniger

Spot on: charm, absolute overview and delightful baking skills

Targeted, efficient and passionate, Carmen Inniger is the managing director. Since 2012, she leads Les Passions de l'Âme in financial, operational and administrative matters, and supports and promotes the orchestra in its artistic development. She has built up the collaboration with SONY (deutsche harmonia mundi), acquired numerous concerts at renowned festivals and concert halls throughout Europe, professionalised the orchestra's marketing and communication and made strategic decisions that have consolidated and positioned the orchestra internationally.

Born and raised in Franconia, Carmen Inniger studied musicology, cultural management and Italian linguistics in Weimar, Jena and Cremona. She gained professional experience as project organiser of the cultural theme year «Franz Liszt. A European in Thuringia», as orchestra manager of the Young Philharmonic Orchestra Jerusalem-Weimar and the Jugend Sinfonie Orchester Konservatorium Bern (including tours to Israel, Russia, France and Portugal) and as a speaker at the workshop «Music and Cultural Identity» at Mahidol University Bangkok (Thailand). 

With her expertise, Carmen Inniger is also involved in voluntary work; among others she was on the board of the Berner Kulturagenda from 2017 to 2024, including 3 years as co-president.